Legends is a fashion brand that was established in 2014, specializing in contemporary menswear that blends classic silhouettes with modern aesthetics. The brand draws inspiration from cultural scenes from all over the world, constantly evolving to stay ahead of fashion trends.
Legends is dedicated to creating a bridge between casual wear and contemporary wardrobe essentials, offering a unique blend of style and comfort. The brand stands for a relaxed, effortless and friendly approach to fashion, designed for the modern man who values both style and practicality.
The Legends Studio is based in Odense, Denmark, where the team works tirelessly to design and create high-quality garments that meet the needs of their customers. With a focus on quality, attention to detail, and the use of premium materials, Legends has gained a reputation for delivering exceptional menswear that is both stylish and durable.
At Legends, the customer always comes first, and the brand is committed to providing an exceptional shopping experience. From the initial design process to the final product, the team at Legends is dedicated to delivering high-quality garments that exceed expectations. With a strong commitment to sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical production practices, Legends is a brand that truly cares about its customers, the environment, and the world we live in.

Det er ikke business as usual. Faktisk er der ikke meget forretning overhovedet.

På et øjeblik har den verden, vi lever i og holder af, ændret sig dramatisk til noget helt uforudset. For bare tre måneder siden så de fleste af os ind i 2020 med spænding og glæde. Selvom situationen begyndte at blive kritisk i områder af Kina, blev en global pandemi ikke set som et realistisk resultat. Nu er det vores virkelighed.

I disse vanskelige tider vil vi gerne hjælpe så meget som muligt. Derfor vil vi donere 25 % af vores omsætning fra vores onlinebutik til Verdenssundhedsorganisationen (WHO). Det betyder, at hvis du handler for 100 €, donerer vi 25 €. Alle indsamlede midler vil blive doneret ugentligt til WHO gennem deres COVID-19 Response Fund - www.covid19responsefund.org .

Hvis du har spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at skrive til os på info@legends.dk .

I mellemtiden vil vi sætte pris på al hjælp til at sprede budskabet.

Hold sammen og hold dig fra hinanden.

Alt det bedste
